All Things ICT4D | Digital Transformation

Technology With Purpose.

Guillaume Deflaux   

Founder & Principal Consultant

I support NGOs & actors of the social economy with the technology and strategy they need to amplify their programs and reach their full impact potential.

I served as Global ICT4D Lead at Terre des hommes, Country Director at Dimagi and Chief Operating Officer at IT4LIFE. Today, I am the part-time Chief Technology Officer at Akvo.

Over the years, I've developed expertise in program design & implementation, product management, software engineering and operations.

Interested in working together? Or just have something you want to share? Either way I'd be happy to hear from you.

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Technical Execution

I manage the end-to-end development (scoping, programming, deployment, training) of Commcare applications and PowerBI Dashboards.

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Digital Program Design

I help you design the next iteration of your humanitarian and development interventions leveraging  mobile technology at scale for your beneficiaries and front-line workers.

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Digital Transformation

I help you improve your operations by designing the processes, and selecting and deploying the right digital tools for your internal team.

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